The Frogman Swim is a series of events hosted around the country to remember and carry on the legacy of fallen Navy SEALs.
“It just allows me to stay connected to a community that I put on such a high pedestal and wanted to be part of,” said Geoff Leard, who brought the Frogman Swim event to Boston “… I’ve never served technically in the United States Navy, the role that I have now [ as an ambassador for the NSF] is my way to serve out of uniform.”
Frogman directly supports the Navy SEAL Foundation, which assists veterans and their families through mental and physical therapies, working through tragedies and recoveries, providing scholarships, and helping to preserve their legacies. The Frogman Swim has a mantra of “Never Leave a Man Behind”, which embodies the SEAL mentality.
The idea of the Frogman Swim is simple: they provide a challenging swim course that is five kilometers long that simulates some of the SEAL training. There are currently two swim events in two different cities — Tampa Bay, FL and Boston, MA.
The swim opens just at sunrise, with a memorial for all the fallen SEALs, where they read every name. Then, volunteers bring out their kayaks, and swimmers get into the water. The swim is conducted in waves and can take anywhere from an hour to two to complete, depending on skill level. Each participant swims in honor of a fallen SEAL.
To learn more about the Frogman Swim, you can check out their website here.
Photo credits: Jordan Samuel Photography